Monday, June 7, 2010

Alphabet Challenge-Letter J

Hi everyone!! Today's letter is


Yummy JIF Peanut Butter!!!  Check out MommyPlus5 as well, for her take on the challenge! Until Next time!


Alphabet Challenge, Letter I

Ha!! I completely spaced Friday's posting of the letter I!!  Oops! 


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Alphabet Challenge-Letter H


H can also be healthy, for which is something that I wish I was! I have the worst immune system ever!! Ugh! I slept from 10am to 6pm and I'm ready to go back to bed! See you Friday for letter I! Don't forget to check out my friends Mommyplus5 and ABC's of Photography

Until Next Time,

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Alphabet Challenge-Letter G

Sorry that I'm a day late!! I had to work yesterday and came home sick and not wanting to do anything.  So, here is your G for today..or yesterday!

A small collection of our games.  Don't forget to check out MommyPlus5 and ABC's Of Photography!!   See you tomorrow for our next letter!!   

Visits from my friends