Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I'm still alive!

I know, it's been a while, I've been incredibly busy lately.  I did kind of make the decision that I need to to do what makes me happy and makes me feel fulfilled.  Photography is one of those things.  It's not just what I do, it's who I am.  I love it and it gives me a sense of  being.  Not sure why my laptop publishes in the middle of a post, but whatever, lol.   I missed this blog and I hope the readers missed me and my pictures.  Here is picture that I took this afternoon after the kids got home from school and after my 1-mile walk.  Tori, my princess.  She's a little special, but she's still mine and I'll claim her always.


Veronica said...

I missed you! Tori is precious. :) You are an amazing artist, glad you are back!

Shanna Russell said...

Thanks so much V!! It's taking a little bit to get me going, but I'm trying to get back up here. You're so kind!

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