Monday, January 3, 2011


The kids started back to school today.  Victoria had a great day back and was glad to be back.  Sean said he had a good day, but wasn't thrilled to be back.  He is in high school afterall.  I was really glad for them to go back.  I love them, but I also enjoyed a nice peaceful day today.  I let the outside cat in for a bit today to warm up and grab a bite to eat. I forgot he was in the house until I went into the bedroom and noticed him nice and warm and in my bed.  Crazy Cat.  So, today's pic is of Ace, the outside kitty. 

Yesterday's day pic is just way to adorable.  My nephew Levi, and all his cuteness, wrapped up in one delicious photo. 

I am uploading my daily 365 to my Facebook page as well.  You can click on the tab at the top and it will take you there. 

Have a great night/day and be kind to one another. 


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