Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It's a Dog Eat Dog World!

Meet Diesel! We're doggy sitting for a couple of weeks and this guy is just way too sweet.  Techinically we aren't doggy sitting, but Sunny is and she is staying with us, so I guess that means we are doggy sitting.  I don't mind.  This guy is a sweetheart.  He's only 5 months old. 

Look at that cute little face!!!!  I'm not quite sure what the breed is, but it doesn't matter.  This little guy just loves to be petted and loved. 

This guy is Neo.  It's Byron and Sunny's dog.  He's an ok dog, too, but I don't like him much when he gets into the trash.  Other than that we get along just fine!

Here's MY Chachi!  He's such a sweet dog.  Probably the best dog I've ever had!

My handsome little Chachi.  My dear friend, Christi, loves my dog so much that the purple tag that you see him wearing says I love Christi.  HAHA  She got that for him and some heart shaped treats.  She really is in love with my dog.  

Have a great Wednesday!!


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