Monday, May 10, 2010

The only thing worth stealing is a kiss from a sleeping child

Happy Mother's Day! Mother's day at my house was just perfect! I got to sleep in, which is always nice.  Mark and the kids made me breakfast in bed.  I got a card from each of them.  They were very cute and sweet cards. I also go beautiful flowers and chocolate. 

My Mother's Day loot.  I'm incredibly blessed to have to two fantastic kids and a wonderful man in my life who show me love on a daily basis. 

A couple close-ups of my beautiful flowers.  My honey knows me so well and knows which flowers are 'perfect' for me. 

After a wonderful morning we went to Post Falls and had nice little hike.  It was gorgeous outside today. 
Here are my two wonderful kids and I on Mother's Day, 2010 in Post Falls. 

They are such goofballs, which makes me love them that much more! 

My three loves on Mother's Day.  May 9, 2010.  I love them with everything I have! Thank you guys for such a wonderful day!! I love you Mark, Sean, and Victoria! 


Veronica said...

Aww looks like you had the perfect day. :) Happy Mother's Day!

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